Monday 5 December 2011

Lose Weight at the Office by Choosing Healthy Snacks

!±8± Lose Weight at the Office by Choosing Healthy Snacks

If you want to lose weight but you spend your days at the office, ignoring the candy machine and switching to healthy snacks can help you reach your goal.

A lot of us spend most of our days seated, working at a desk. We don't move much, except maybe to get up for a bathroom break or to get something to eat. This makes it easy for us to collect a few extra pounds and rather difficult to get rid of them.

The thing is, there's no big secret to how to lose weight. It's a simple numbers game: eat fewer calories than you use up. When we aren't active throughout the day, the number of calories we spend is rather low which makes it easy for us to eat too many calories. This makes it difficult for a lot of working people to lose weight.

The food that's made available to us at the office doesn't make it any easier. How many low-calorie foods do you have in the office snack machine? How many would you say are healthy? How about natural? Compare that to the number of options that are pure junk food - they taste good, but they have little to no real nutritional value. These snacks are little more than empty calories and fat. (And they usually have plenty of the last two!) Going out to lunch gives you choices that are marginally better in terms of the nutrition they offer, but most of your options still tend to be high in salt, fat and calories.

The best way to get around this problem is to stop relying on convenience foods and start taking control of your daytime foods. A simple way to start is to bring a snack from home. It could be something as simple as sliced up fruit or some whole wheat crackers, or you could go for something that's a little more interesting but still simple to prepare, like hummus and pita chips. But the easiest thing you can do, especially if you like to avoid grocery shopping, is to take advantage of the convenience of the Internet and order some healthy snack foods online.

You can do the same thing for your lunch, too. Instead of going out to eat or ordering delivery, make up your lunch the night before and keep it in the refrigerator to grab on your way out the door. Not only will it taste better and be healthier for you, you'll be able to save quite a bit of money, too!

Lose Weight at the Office by Choosing Healthy Snacks

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Wednesday 9 November 2011

Exploring the Heel of Illinois, or I Don't Even Know Where I Am

!±8± Exploring the Heel of Illinois, or I Don't Even Know Where I Am

Exploring the Heel of Illinois or I Don't Even Know Where I Am We had a destination when we started. It was the blue grass festival in Bean Blossom Indiana. This year was special because it celebrated the 100th birthday of the father of blue grass, Bill Monroe. We had attended once before but never camped so we picked a large open field hoping for some peace and quiet. This property used to be Bill Monroe's home and farm where he lived and enjoyed making music with friends and fox hunitng. We followed the bright sound of strumming banjos and guitars to the stage. Soon we were taping our toes and reminiscing about the songs our grand daddies sang even though we grew up in Indianapolis far from the hills of southern Indiana. Dr. Ralph Stanley topped off the evening with his rendition of "Oh Death, Won't You Spare Me Over for Another Year," made famous in the movie, Oh Brother Where Art Thou? We made our way to our tent at about ten o'clock and lay down for a peaceful sleep. Unfortunately the kids on golf carts had other ideas. They were still racing around the field, revving their engines and shining their headlights into our tent when I finally looked at my watch. It read a shocking 2:30 a.m., and we pulled up our tent stakes and headed for Nashville, Indiana and a Comfort Inn were they were doing an audit and couldn't access the computer. We finally got to sleep around three in the morning.

The next day we were on our way to New Harmony a place where the Rappites and Owens had tried to establish Utopian societies in the 19th century, to visit my friend, an artist who paints subjects from the nineteen fifties and architecture along old highways like US 40 and Route 66. Serendipitously she found an old drive-in restaurant on state road 66 and converted it into a studio. We enjoyed seeing pictures of James Dean, Hank Williams, women in full skirts and high heels ironing with their new Steam-o-matic's or admiring their snow white electric washing machines or ranges. One couple danced around the kitchen in front of their new refrigerator looking like they had just returned from the prom. Giant ice cream cones atop tiny restaurants promised relief from the summer heat with no worries about fat or calories. No worries about Chesterfields or Lucky Strikes either. No worries period. Just the promise of suburban bliss or Utopia 50's style.

It is then that we strayed from the beaten path by crossing the toll bridge just a block from my friend's studio across the Wabash into southern Illinois. Here was a different world which we had unsuspectingly entered into the previous evening when we went to hear a folksinger in Grayville. Everything seemed fine if a bit surreal. He sang of a minor league baseball player who spent time in Lynchburg and ended up with a pinched nerve. A few songs later he launched into "South of Solitude" about entering into the labyrinthine roads of southern Illinois and getting lost resulting in the lyrics, "I don't even know where I am," and ending with the lyrics, "I don't even know who I am." We didn't know it then, but we would soon live the song. There were a grand total of nine or ten people in attendance, four of whom were some young German guys not paying too much attention to the singer. We weren't too surprised to see them as southern Indiana abounds in descendents of German settlers and German restaurants. Travelers are never too far from a good sausage and sauerkraut dinner. But here in Grayville the waitresses seemed quite surprised and happy to see them as they actually spoke German and were young and not too hard on the eyes. We found out that they were in town to work in the coal mine for eight days and were enjoying some Grayville nightlife. The singer ended with some Dylan songs and his friend accompanied him on the harmonica. "That's what you get for Loving Me" seemed appropriate to end the set, and the German guys smiled and said goodbye in English.

The next day, at the suggestion of my friend, we ventured across the bridge again following a vintage Airstream travel trailor, which again lent an air of the fifty's, into surreal southern Illinois again to see the Garden of the Gods. We had seen the one of the same name in Colorado Springs and were not expecting much by comparison. But we were pleasantly surprised by the beautiful and strange looking rock formations in the Shawnee National Forest. The wilderness area is over three hundred and twenty million years old and includes over 3,300 acres of beautiful old growth forest. The sediment rock in this area is over four miles deep and the fractured bedrock has created some interesting rock formations that represent various objects like anvils, camels, and mushrooms. Next we traveled south to the Ohio River and saw Pirates' Cave at Cave in the Rock. Two riverboats had been built and had burned here, but now there was only the ferry taking cars and trucks across the river at no charge. As we reached the Kentucky side of the Ohio River, a truck with an oversize load in the form of an earth mover was waiting to board the ferry. We were glad we had crossed in the company of small cars.

We were now on the Trail of Tears which the original Americans had been forced to take when their land was confiscated by the pioneer settlers. In 1830, Congress passed a bill permitting the removal of all native Indians living east of the Mississippi River. For the next twenty years, Indians were marched west to reservations in Arkansas and Oklahoma, including the bands of the Illini Indians in Illinois. In the Fall and Winter of 1838-39, Cherokee Indians were marched out of Georgia and the Carolinas across Southern Illinois to reservations in the west. It was estimated that two thousand to four thousand Cherokee men, women, and children died during this one thousand mile journey west. It became known as the Trail of Tears due to the many hardships and sorrows it brought to the Indians. The Buel Family told the story of their ancestor Sarah (Jones) Buel who moved to Golconda on Sept. 2, 1836. Two years later the Cherokees passed through Golconda. "My great-great-grandmother was acookin' pumpkin an' keepin' an eye on her baby when she heard a strange noise outside. Before she knew it, the front door popped open and there stood two Cherokee Indian braves just alookin' at her....They had smelled the pumpkin cookin' as they passed by, but my grandmother had no way of knowin' that. Finally, she understood what they wanted, and those Indians were mighty thankful when she gave them some of the cooked pumpkin. I 'spect she was just as thankful when they left," she added.*

Our trip in to Kentucky was mostly through farm country so we headed back to Illinois lured by Old Shawnee Town on the map. When we arrived it was not only old but a ghost town. A massive Greek architectural style bank dwarfed everything else in sight. We later learned that it was the first bank to be chartered in Illinois in 1816. It was also the first building used solely to house a bank in Illinois and was used until the 1920s. Someone told us that it had refused a loan to a bank in Chicago when it was first developing, because it didn't think Chicago would be a successful settlement. HogDaddy's bar was across the deserted street from the bank. A sign on the door said closed for the winter, but it was obviously closed for the summer as well. We also learned later that the worse flooding in decades had closed the town down. Two wooden cut-out figures of Lewis and Clark indicated that they had passed through Shawnee town, but they looked as forlorn as we did when we found out HogDaddy's was closed. We drove south out of town thinking we were on the Lincoln trail but ended up on a gravel road. Common sense would have dictated turning back to the main road, but we wanted to see the confluence of the Wabash and the Ohio. We were soon lost in a labyrinth of corn fields. We saw a deer and her fawn in the middle of the road drinking from a mud puddle. We kept turning right when we should have turned left to get back to the main road, but the river beckoned.

Then without warning our engine sputtered and stopped. Walking was out of the question in the heat and humidity. We waited hoping the engine would start but after half an hour, we tried calling for a tow truck. Luckily we were able to reach Triple A, but were not so successful in trying to tell them were we were. "Well there's a corn field on the right and a forest on the left, and we were on Round Pond Road, then Long Pond road, and then Pond Church Road, then Big Hill Road." While we were calling, a farmer came along, and we flagged him down. He was a gift from Heaven as he had GPS and gave us our coordinates. Even more amazing was that he knew the guy we were talking to on the phone personally even though he was in Indiana. They had grown up together and the tow truck guy knew the farms bordering the road where we were. The nice farmer stayed and talked to us until the tow truck arrived. He had some sad stories about flooding in the area causing late planting and ammonia used in farming being stolen by people making meth. We had the feeling that we might not be safe even though far from the big city. An even sadder story was about his son, who had served two stints in Iraq, coming home and drowning while swimming in a quarry.

The tow truck guy soon arrived, greeted his friend, and invited us to climb into the front seat of his truck. He continued the tale of woe saying that the economy in southern Illinois had been ruined by the politicians in Chicago even though some of them had been sent to Washington. He also mentioned meth problems in the area acerbated by the bad economy and worse weather. We again felt like we didn't know where we were, or maybe we had strayed into Mexico. However when we crossed back into Indiana, he cheered up a little naming various industrial sites that we passed such as Marathon and Bristol Myers Squib. Ethanol plants were prospering using the corn we had been lost in. It seemed more industrialized, but not necessarily better. But in his opinion there were more business incentives offered in Indiana and better politicians. He was glad to relate his life story saying he had wanted to be a chiropractor but had opted for nursing. Burnout caused him to go into business as a gas station owner. When his business in Illinois was not doing so well he asked God to give him a sign if he should move into Indiana and start a towing service. That night the roof on his filling station caved in. He now does missionary work every year in Honduras with the Baptist Church where his training as a nurse serves him and them well. He treats people for everything from parasites to gangrene.

These guys from southern Illinois were two of the nicest guys I have ever met and representative of others who are trying to survive in spite of large corporations taking over family farms and politicians passing legislation not favorable to small businesses, and they are retaining their values as good Samaritans as well. We also appreciated the 277,500 acre Shawnee national Forest with its diverse population of plant, animal, and bird life. It provides habitat to several endangered or threatened species and is a beautiful place to visit. It is hard to believe that this area was once covered by a shallow ocean and inhabited by sea creatures before the Mississippian people, the Illini and other Indian tribes, the French, British and finally settlers of English, German, Scottish and Irish descent, and even freed slaves arrived. If we travel to the Ohio River Valley in southern Illinois again, it will be to see Metropolis, the home of Super Man and Harrah's Metropolis casino/hotel.

The tourist industry is big here also because of Kincaid, the home of a complex society which was part of the Mississippian culture. People first arrived in the Ohio River Valley around 12,000 B.C. The culture reached its peak about 1100 AD and a large city was built at Cahokia, near present-day Collinsville, Illinois. Its people built large earthworks and related structures, many of which remain. Mississippian culture regional centers arose throughout the Ohio and lower Mississippian valleys, one at Angel Mounds in Evansville which we would visit later. The rivers were part of widespread trading routes. The French settled in the area in 1757 before the victorious British came to claim the territory. Sometime in the 1830s, Southern Illinois became known as Egypt or Little Egypt because settlers from northern Illinois came south to buy grain during years when they had poor harvests in the 1830s just as ancient people had traveled to Egypt to buy grain (Genesis 41:57 and 42:1-3). Later, towns in Southern Illinois were named Cairo, Thebes, and Karnak, as in the country of Egypt. We were happy to reach Evansville and turn our car over to Pep Boys.

The next day we rented a car and went to the Evansville museums on the riverfront and visited Angel Mounds. From 1100 to 1450 A. D., a town on this site was home to people of the Middle Mississippian culture, who engaged in hunting and farming on the rich bottom lands of the Ohio River. Several thousand people lived in this town protected by a stockade made of wattle and daub. Because Angel Mounds was a chiefdom (the home of the chief) it was the regional center of a large community that grew outward from it for many miles. Roving bands of Shawnee, Miami, and other groups moved into this area about 1650 A. D., long after the Mississippians abandoned the town at Angel. Later, white settlers farmed the land. Much like the Native Americans, they were lured by the rich soil and temperate growing season. One of the families to settle in Southwestern Indiana was headed by Mathias Angel. He had a farmstead on the site of Angel Mounds from 1852 until his death in 1899. His brothers owned adjacent farms, and the land remained in the Angel family until 1938.

Angel Mounds State Historic Site is named after this family. I had participated in an archaeological dig near there while in college at Indiana University. We lived at Angel Mounds and used the Glen Black Laboratory there. WPA workers had excavated at Angel Mounds during the nineteen thirties. Now there is a restored village and a museum. We had photographed the site using box cameras and developed large prints in the dark room. We had used surveying equipment to locate our site in the middle of a field. We found post holes that had been a house, bones, pottery, and even an inscribed stone that looked like a numbering system. Now they probably use modern technology such as digital photography and GPS to find and study the ancient technologies of the inhabitants which included chipping flint spear points, decorating with wax resist pottery techniques, and basket weaving.

We ventured back into Kentucky again to Henderson to see the John James Audubon Museum. He had a fascinating life drawing birds, but left his devoted Quaker wife alone for years at a time and eventually had to declare bankruptcy. He was a dedicated artist and his son later joined him in his passion for recording birds and animals in the wilderness. This museum has a complete Double Elephant edition of Birds of America, the value of which is in the millions. It's on display only one page at a time, understandably. This museum was well worth the eleven mile trip from Evansville. We had to laugh because every place we went on this trip seemed to be eleven miles from the previous place or, if not, a multiple of eleven. Eleven is our lucky number! We picked up our car from Pep Boys and headed home. The windshield wipers came on whenever we used the turn signal, but at least the fuel pump was working, and we were on the road again. My next story may be about all the places our car has broken down and the opportunities it has provided to get to know people in the area proving that older vehicles have their advantages. Road trips in the Ohio Valley are always fun and provide numerous opportunities for enjoying nature, traveling through history and meeting fascinating people.

* Musgrave, Jon, "Southern Illinois history lost on the Cherokee Trail of Tears" from Benton Evening News, (West Frankfort, Ill.) Jan. 3, 1999.

Exploring the Heel of Illinois, or I Don't Even Know Where I Am

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Sunday 30 October 2011

Restaurant Equipment Tips: Energy Conservation Equals Higher Profits

!±8± Restaurant Equipment Tips: Energy Conservation Equals Higher Profits

We at Jean's Restaurant Supply want you to succeed with your business venture and rising energy costs are on the forefront of everyone's minds. Inefficient, or inefficient use of, food preparation equipment is the second-largest energy drain on your restaurant's profits. So here at Jean's Restaurant Supply, we have compiled some energy-saving tips for your commercial broilers and fryers. In doing so, we hope that with the implementation of some of these energy-saving tips, your energy bill leaves you with some profits still on your plate.

Energy-Saving Tips for Commercial Broilers
Don't Get Overheated. Follow your commercial broiler manufacturer's preheating instructions, including; minimizing preheat times, which can waste energy, and avoiding preheating at unnecessarily high temperatures, which could alter the taste and quality of your food. Don't raise the temperature on your broiler during peak hours to increase production, because it's your energy use that will increase, while your food quality may suffer. Whenever possible, use infrared broilers that require no preheat time and can be turned off and then quickly reheated when called into action. Plan it Out. One of the most proactive things you can do to increase your energy-savings on your commercial broiler is organize your broiler activities. In addition to turning off all unused sections during slack times, you may be surprised to know that it isn't obligatory to have the entire broiler on even at peak periods. You can improve cooking consistency and increase your energy-savings by turning one section to full heat for rare meats and another section to a lower setting for well-done meats. And always, always remember: maximum capacity equals maximum efficiency, so fill 'er up! Don't Forget to Maintain. Maintenance on your commercial broiler involves: regular cleaning of the burners; emptying the grease pan; washing drip shields and grid; also, if needed, scraping the grid with a three-cornered metal scraper; and lastly, making sure openings and air shutters are clear. Handle ceramic refractor units with care, but they should be rearranged from time to time. Watch out for faulty burner operations - a clear flame with a distinctive inner cone is best. Also, flames should just wipe the surface of the refractor elements; they should never float or strike directly on them. Here at Jean's Restaurant Supply, we suggest having an experienced agent of your local gas company adjust your burners, if the need arises.
Energy-Saving Tips for Commercial Fryers
Quick is the Name of the Game. Commercial fryers utilize a system of cooking where the heating element is in near or immediate contact with the fat or oil, and as a result, they require limited preheat times and recover very quickly. We, at Jean's Restaurant Supply, recommend that you follow the manufacturer's general rule of thumb, which is 7 to 15 minutes. Preheating any longer will only reduce your energy-savings. Also, don't assume that a higher preheat temperature will decrease your preheat time. On the contrary, it will not heat the fryer any faster, but in fact, could overheat the fryer and cause wasted energy and possible food spoilage due to excessive cooking temperatures. It's okay to turn down your fryer to an idling temperature during slow periods when it is not in constant use, and this also helps to extend oil life. Furthermore, resist the temptation to overload your baskets past the manufacturer's usual recommendation of one-half to two-thirds full. Overloading will not decrease energy costs; it will simply increase cook times and jeopardize food quality. Drain and Strain. One of the most effective steps you can take to increase your commercial fryer's energy efficiency is to keep the oil as clean as possible. This means that you should regularly, maybe even daily, drain the oil from your fryer and process it through a commercial fryer filter. All fryers have a cold zone where the oil is not heated and the loose debris is allowed to settle. This is where you should remove the sediment from the oil before it creeps up into the hot zone and hinders food quality. When your commercial fryer's cold zone is filled with debris, food particles drift up into the hot zone and are re-fried and essentially burnt. This causes your oil to become contaminated and it is also the reason that product taste transfer occurs. Ever wonder why your onion rings taste like your seafood? Maintaining your oil properly requires diligence, but your efforts will be well rewarded with reduced costs in replacing oil (oil cleaned twice a day will last approximately three weeks, while oil that is not filtered will be lucky to survive three days); also, there's no need to buy that expensive second fryer to prevent product taste transfer when clean oil will do the trick; and finally, as the old cliché goes - an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Uncontaminated oil that is free from burnt debris is easier to clean up after, making your equipment maintenance job less problematic. Watch out for smoking oil, which means, either the temperature is too high, or the fat is broken down and needs to be replaced. It's Elementary, My Dear. Maintenance on your commercial fryer revolves around keeping your heating elements in peak working condition. For that reason, clean your heating element frequently. Built up debris makes the heating element work harder to heat up the oil, consequently minimizing your energy-saving possibilities. Use a thermometer to double-check that your fryer is operating at the correct temperature; approximately 325ºF to 350ºF. If the temperature of the oil is considerably different than the thermostat, having it serviced could increase your energy-savings. Keep an eye out for gum in the kettle, which means the fryer is due for a thorough cleaning. Consider Your Options. There is much debate concerning the benefits of gas commercial fryers versus electric commercial fryers. Not so long ago, the energy cost of using a gas appliance was considerably lower than using an electric one. However, with natural gas prices climbing higher and higher every day, the savvy consumer must take into account all the variables when it comes to making this decision. One important variable to consider for both gas and electric fryers is its insulation in comparison to its energy rating (either BTU for gas or KW for electric). Choosing a commercial fryer with the best insulation combined with the lowest energy rating allows you to maximize your energy-savings. Both gas and electric fryers each have their own pros and cons. With an electric commercial fryer, the heating element is inside the oil tank, meaning that there is no wasted heat or energy. This allows the kitchen to remain cooler and your energy use for both the fryer and your air conditioning system are reduced. However, electric fryers do not get as hot or heat up as fast as a gas fryer, whose gas burners are outside the tank. Though gas fryers do have a shorter preheat time, more heat is allowed to escape up and around the sides of the tank. This makes for a possibly hotter kitchen, entailing the need for more air conditioning or a proper ventilation system. The last thing to consider is the design of the fryer in relation to the product to be cooked in it. For example, here at Jean's Restaurant Supply, we have determined that the best fryers for cooking French fries are from the manufacturer Frymaster, while the manufacturer Dean and their fryer's larger cold zone design makes it best for seafood, which deposits substantial amounts of debris.

Using these tips will help you save on your restaurant's energy bill, but always remember to take a step back and look at the big picture. Investigate your commercial cooking equipment options before making a final decision. Saving money up front on an inferior quality piece of equipment will probably end up costing your more in energy overhead, while investing in a piece of higher quality equipment will permit you to use your energy efficiently throughout the life of the equipment. Using energy efficiently can also produce other benefits to your restaurant, such as: improved, more consistent food quality; less waste resulting from reduced food spoilage; and, finally, you can enjoy more comfortable working conditions in the kitchen because wasted heat is reduced. Cleanliness and consistent attention to operational details can make or break your energy-saving efforts, but that is not all. It does no good to become knowledgeable about all these great cost-cutting ideas, if you don't pass the information along. Educate your staff on the proper operation and maintenance of your equipment to help ensure the extended life of your valuable investment.

Restaurant Equipment Tips: Energy Conservation Equals Higher Profits

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Saturday 1 October 2011

What are the best water purification systems for home use?

!±8± What are the best water purification systems for home use?

There are a number of water treatment plants on the market. Need one? And where do you pick the right one for you and your family?

Two important questions to answer before you spend money on the wrong thing.

Take the first question first.

Why is a water purification system!

Unless you've been living on another planet, I'm sure you have read over the information that has recently come tothe lack of quality of our municipal water supply.

About 90% of U.S. water systems contain traces of at least 10 synthetic chemicals and lead. A recent report by Ralph Nader has done, said: "After reviewing over 10,000 pages of documents EPA through a Freedom of Information Act has acquired ... [it was found that] may cause over 2,300 chemicals that may cause cancer U.S. tap water were detected. "

A number of scientists believe that this increase in cancer-causing chemicals found in our waterPower correlates with the increase of cancer cases in the last 5-10 years.

Much of the problem is the age our treatment of aquatic plants, and the technology they use.

Most sewage treatment plants in the U.S. are 5-10 years of age. Some even more!

They are designed to make our water from things such as cholera, not for cleaning high-tech pesticides.

Most of our water from the drop of water from sediments of the purified particulateThe matter is then sterilized by injecting a quantity of chlorine in the water.

Chlorine kills the bacteria that can cause disease. The chlorine, but in reality it is left in water after it leaves the treatment plant. This is because the duration of the treatment plant should be your home until a week or more. During this time the water will be contaminated again.

The problem here is that you actually drink the traces of chlorine when you drink tap waterWater. This is certainly better than getting sick of cholera, but there must be a better way!

You're right, there!

Now, before you start thinking about running, that the bottled water you drink will save all of these pollutants and toxins, once again!

Unfortunately, most bottled water comes directly from a tap, like water. In fact, there are fewer restrictions on the quality of bottled water than on the quality of tap water!

TheBottom line: you need new filter for the tap water before drinking it.

How to choose the right water treatment system

There are a number of wastewater treatment systems out there. Some work better than others. Strangely, some work well too!

There are also whole house filter you put on a tap and water jugs, water filter. What should you use?

Most use a water filter pitcher filtration system that is too simple. You can not just getall the things you need to filter out!

If you are only interested in filtering the water for drinking or cooking, then you might consider filtering the water by just pressing a button. Drinking water is not the only way to get the water contamination was born in your body!

Your skin is actually the largest organ of your body! We did not used to thinking of our skin as an organ like the liver, but it is!

Both drain and absorb toxins through the skin. If you take a shower, forThus, the hot water opens the pores are so contaminants in the water to penetrate

In short, you might consider actually filter all the water in their homes, either with a whole house filter or a filter for each barrel and each shower head.

Some of the technologies used in water filters, granular activated carbon filters, metallic alloy filters, microporous ceramic filters, carbon filters, resin block and ultra-thin membranes.

The best waterFilter to filter on the market with a combination of these technologies, and clean water.

One thing you must do is to leave the filter on trace elements in natural water, so that a good taste in order to obtain these minerals in our body. Minerals such as calcium are essential for our health, drinking water and traces of calcium, is one way to purchase our body as the mineral deposits.

There are a number of water treatment plants to choose from.What you need now is an informational site that you can use to educate themselves further.

Two important questions to answer before you spend money on the wrong thing.

Take the first question first.

Why is a water purification system!

Unless you've been living on another planet, I'm sure you can read about information that has recently about the poor quality of local water resources.

Over 90% of the United StatesWater systems contain traces of at least 10 synthetic chemicals and lead. A recent report by Ralph Nader has done, said: "After reviewing over 10,000 pages of documents EPA through a Freedom of Information Act has acquired ... [it was found that] may cause over 2,300 chemicals that may cause cancer U.S. tap water were detected. "

A number of scientists believe that this increase is in the cancer-causing chemicals in our water supply with the increase in tumors is related in the last 50-1100 years.

Much of the problem is the age our treatment of aquatic plants, and the technology they use.

Most sewage treatment plants in the U.S. are 5-10 years of age. Some even more!

They are designed to make our water from things such as cholera, not for cleaning high-tech pesticides.

Most of our water from the drop of water from sediment to be cleaned from dust, then it is injecting a quantity of chlorine in the sterilizedWater.

Chlorine kills the bacteria that can cause disease. The chlorine, but in reality it is left in water after it leaves the treatment plant. This is because the duration of the treatment plant should be your home until a week or more. During this time the water will be contaminated again.

The problem here is that you actually drink traces of chlorine, if you drink tap water. This is certainly better than getting sick of cholera, butmust be a better way!

You're right, there!

Now, before you start thinking about running, that the bottled water you drink will save all of these pollutants and toxins, once again!

Unfortunately, most bottled water comes directly from a tap, like water. In fact, there are fewer restrictions on the quality of bottled water than on the quality of tap water!

Bottom line: you need a new water filter on tap water before drinkingit.

How to choose the right water treatment system

There are a number of wastewater treatment systems out there. Some work better than others. Strangely, some work well too!

There are also whole house filter you put on a tap and water jugs, water filter. What should you use?

Most use a water filter pitcher filtration system that is too simple. You can not just filter out all the things you need!

If you are interestedto filter water for drinking or cooking, then you might consider filtering the water by just pressing a button. Drinking water is not the only way to get the water contamination was born in your body!

Your skin is actually the largest organ of your body! We did not used to thinking of our skin as an organ like the liver, but it is!

Both drain and absorb toxins through the skin. If you take a shower, for example, the hot water opens the pores so that impurities inFilter the water

In short, you might consider actually filter all the water in their homes, either with a whole house filter or a filter for each barrel and each shower head.

Some of the technologies used in water filters, granular activated carbon filters, metallic alloy filters, microporous ceramic filters, carbon filters, resin block and ultra-thin membranes.

To filter the best water filter on the market with a combination of these technologies andThe clean water.

One thing you must do is to leave the filter on trace elements in natural water, so that a good taste in order to obtain these minerals in our body. Minerals such as calcium are essential for our health, drinking water and traces of calcium, is one way to purchase our body as the mineral deposits.

There are a number of water treatment plants to choose from. What you need now is an informative website, which you use may continue to formitself.

What are the best water purification systems for home use?

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Monday 26 September 2011

Commercial fryers - the factors you should consider before buying

!±8± Commercial fryers - the factors you should consider before buying

Want to perfection every time you bite into a piece of fried chicken, donuts, french fries, corn dogs or cheese sticks? If you are thinking of buying a commercial deep fryer deep frying all your sufferings end of thinking, here are some things you should consider before the bill into account.

I'm not really a big fan of fried foods. But as a mother, there are days when I just can not stand the reason for fried chicken or corn dogs or donuts. And because I'm a perfectionist, I hate mushy or servefat fried, my children and husband.

Thinking of getting a deep fryer? Before going to the store, here are four things you should consider:

1 Transport and storage

Look around your kitchen. Where are you going to put your fryer? Be sure to clear a space for its new device and measure from there. If you have a deep-fat fryer, is placed near a power outlet. You would not want to use extension cords.

As you would probablywant to keep your fryer out of sight after use, get one that is portable and easy to store. Just a reminder: the deep fryer rather than near your home oven, torch or kitchen. Bake in a safe manner.

2 Temperature Control

Another important feature that you should check the temperature settings. Stay away from super-simple general settings with shows such as low, medium and high. The ability to control the temperature of your deep fryer to produce cooked perfectly decisiveFood.

3 Capacity

How many people did you eat? Check the nutritional capacity of the fryer you want to buy.

Commercial fryers - the factors you should consider before buying

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Saturday 17 September 2011

Casement windows - Stylish, safe and efficient energy

!±8± Casement windows - Stylish, safe and efficient energy

Casement windows are the oldest form of windows can be opened, and the first appearance in the 15 th Century, as they have one of the great houses. Today they are - with good reason - the most popular forms of window and may well in both modern and traditional architecture.

Casement windows are hung vertically on hinges - like a door. In reality, are of the same structure as the French doors (also known as French windows), other than those which are normally placedout loud in the wall, and usually open, rather than inward.

They are more frequently both as a single unit or in pairs (with a "" post "," between the two halves) within a wall opening. However, they can be very attractive, if more than two long ribbons, a technique used Frank Lloyd Wright, with a big impact in his Prairie houses formed.

The advantages of plastic windows

The problem with the use of traditional materials for the construction of these windows iswhich often have high maintenance costs. Wood, steel and aluminum, are subject to corrosion by both weather and UV rays, and must be painted or treated regularly to prevent deterioration. With vinyl swing these problems are drastically reduced.

In addition to low maintenance, vinyl window sash also offer a range of other benefits. These rules are or similar - or better - as offered by competitors and stylesMaterials:

Security - these windows have multi-point locking systems that have a high degree of protection against intrusion Waterproof - because they close the windows against a seal (a little 'like a refrigerator door), have exceptional insulating properties to keep out the cold and wet, making the systems more efficient heating and cooling Ventilation - maximize this window open to 90 degrees, cooling breezes, you can do at home Cleaning - the images are veryeasy to clean, often requiring just an easy to clean

Now is the time to install vinyl casement windows, while the federal government with tax credits up to $ 1,500 for installation of products, the Energy Star criteria. See if you qualify.

Casement windows - Stylish, safe and efficient energy

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Tuesday 13 September 2011

Like your refrigerator more energy efficient

!±8± Like your refrigerator more energy efficient

Refrigerators, although one of the most important appliances in your home, often use a lot of power - and then increase your monthly electricity bill substantially. Even those who eat with Energy Star labels have a lot of resources, mainly due to misuse and lack of maintenance. So you can make the monthly electricity bill, without lowering the purchase of a brand new refrigerator. All you have to do is always in your refrigerator good condition and the use of their functions as efficiently asWay.

Often used functions are built into your refrigerator is a lot of energy. For example, integrated ice maker and water dispenser for the energy consumption of your refrigerator for up to 20%. If your refrigerator has a water filter system, this can still use more electricity. And things like the electronic temperature control, if used often enough can contribute significantly to the cost of operating the refrigerator. In addition, questions of style of your refrigerator a lot in determining theThe costs for the operation. Refrigerators with freezers to work far more efficiently than those with freezers on the floor and french doors, refrigerators with freezer next to the refrigerator.

Most refrigerators these days have automatic defrost, but if yours does not, then defrost regularly only lower the cost of energy, you can better run the fridge and take the food longer. Besides minimizing the number of times you open and close the refrigerator door, and the amountTime to open the door to spend, will also help reduce energy consumption. Sun monitor how much electricity your refrigerator, you can associate a monitor current performance of your machine, which then compared the ideal amount to see how much more efficient to compare your refrigerator should be displayed.

Rising costs for electricity, make it necessary, the efficiency of all to maximize your including refrigerators. Because refrigerators are often large consumersEnergy to perform simple maintenance tasks such as defrosting and cleaning the coil, and easy to change the way you use your refrigerator, you can guarantee is that you can not spend more than necessary to keep your kitchen running.

Like your refrigerator more energy efficient

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Sunday 11 September 2011

Amana Refrigerators

!±8± Amana Refrigerators

The choice of Amana refrigerators to find in stores is very high. This article will walk through the different types of fridge freezers Amana produced, and highlight some key points of each.

Amana refrigerator types

The range of Amana refrigerators can be divided into these basic categories - top freezer, bottom freezer, side-by-side and French door refrigerator. There is also a separate category Amana freezers, which are stand-alone withoutFreezer.

Amana Refrigerators - Top Freezer

This is the largest category of Amana refrigerators. This freezer-on-top of Amana refrigerators can be had for a minimum of $ 500 for budget models, up to $ 1100 for refrigerator units bigger and better. These types of devices are the least expensive Amana their freezers, and are for home owners looking for an economic cooling solution. Notable in this category is aParticularly bizarre refrigerator. The A8WXNGFWH is a large fridge-freezer is that a top. And 'Red where he finished a more retro look, and is quite unique in the market today.

Amana refrigerators - bottom freezer

Amana also produced a couple of mini-on-top style. These cost slightly more than those described above, and the price range of 900-1500 dollars. This area consists of two price levels that are cheap and expensive refrigerators refrigerators. Athe low-end refrigerators this sacrifice a little 'about the number of shelves in comparison to the better models. The cheaper options there is also no easy baskets sliding down the freezer Freezer Refrigerator Amana more expensive.

Amana Refrigerators - Side-by-side

The selection of Amana side-by-side fridge freezers all costs almost the same - about $ 1,000. Buyers looking for this American-style fridge turns out that these features are side by sidetraditionally in mid-field two-door refrigerator found, and are also available with a solid selection of different surfaces.

Amana Refrigerators - French Door

The French door refrigerators Amana are some of their more expensive cooling equipment. The cheapest costs $ 1,600, and go up to $ 2.200 for the top models. Spend the extra money for expensive French door refrigerators from Amana, you gain some additional vertical and some additionalFeatures and functions missing in the refrigerator more convenient.

Amana Freezers - freezer and freezer

Two types of freezers are made by Amana, which are freezers and freezers. There are several options freezer chest freezer and two options available and offers a variety of capacities with numerous awards.

Amana Refrigerators

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